Ever since I was a kid, I was morbidly inclined. I always wanted to watch the scary movies that my parents watched, play the games they played, and grew up in a house of the 'weird' kids.

My dad and mother listened to gothic music and watched cult classics. However this may sound like a dream to all other outcasts but sadly my childhood was less than a dream.

Aside from that, I was often deeply scared of Saw, Chucky, Splinter, and the Fatal Frame series. All have an odd sense of nostalgia and saftey now. It took me til age 15 to properly step my toes into the warm bloody waters to watch horror without fear.

I am particularly interested in the more controversial and shocking film. Your Video Nasties and Explotaion films. I also take deep interest in gorey films. I do watch internet horror however I will not document them here! Sorry!
Strange things happen...

A movie that I'd heard so many things about, both good and bad, but never had watched before in my entire life aside from the iconic opening and Stretch being such an enjoyable character.

And by god I came out of it with a movie that felt like my brain on the silver screen. I enjoyed it SO MUCH. The ending is flying over my head but I'm sure my Texas Chainsaw friend will help me patch that bridge.

The only reason I had taken the plunge to watch this was my urge to play the new game that dropped as I was deeply impressed with the presentation and gameplay of it but no way to currently play it. Its Friday the 13th the game if it didn't have it's snags in development. But this isn't about that, this about our boy Bubba!

I Adore the soundtrack and not just because it opens with Oingo Boingo, It's something I'd catch myself seeking out to listen for work or personal time. It was a visual auditory treat for me. I can't explain just how oddly comforting this watch was. I even admit it was hard to just not rewatch it all over again after my first watch.

Generally speaking, I'd also like to say for the more comedic tone the movie takes, the gore was a lot more than I expected. I've watched my fair share of Horror/Comedy but it has been a good while so it took me off guard to see the opening scene include a man having his head cut in half and spraying everywhere. It's funny when gore like this happens in the funny haha films.

Like said, my only hang up is the abrupt feeling ending but at the same time I see that its supposed to be a mirror like ending. Or hell maybe it's just to feel as odd as the rest of the films tone.

I did enjoy Bubba having the urge to protect Stretch from the family, it was a great way to reaffirm he's not all bad. He's scared of his family just as much as Stretch is, It's a fact often deeply overlooked by people. Bubba ain't a great person, for gods sake he's murders people and wears their faces, but his story is supposed to like...generational trauma in a way. Forced into a way of living he's sort of not wanting to do but has to and still does it. He just wants his family to be proud of him even if it's making soup out of your cousin.

As you can see, I enjoy the character of Bubba a lot.

Anywho, enough of this rambling. I enjoyed the movie! It was a nice change of pace since my last watch of the series was the '22 remake. I have. A lot of strongly negative feelings on that film from political and writing perspective but like I said with my Sick review. I want to focus my energy on more positive things, even if they often fall closer to the mediocre. Trust that it'd be a rather er...heavy and long tirade that can easily be summed up as 'god damn it netflix ruins everything'.

I give this my glorious reccomendation! It's a fun film and worth your time.

I. er. What to say.

I did not enjoy this film unlike what seems to me the majority, it's fine but I just. Hate it kinda. Not much to say since I don't wish to be a hater!


I'm streaming this game!

I haven't picked it back up in a hot second but god DAMN do I get why this was such a huge hit back in the day. It's scary and the plot is super interesting, keeps you well invested in each playthrough.


I couldn't get this to work! I was wanting to see what the hubbub was and see how I felt about it but graphical errors stopped me from playing at this time.
For one of the more disgusting and disturbing pieces of literature, the most disturbing thing is Bateman's consumerism.

On serious note, while I am enjoying my time with the book. It's been painful to read as someone who hates the rich and powerful but that is afterall the point and I'll sure as shit admit it's gotten its point across in spades.


I'll admit, I was supposed to finish the book before watching the movie but caved. I didn't hate the ending as much as others did and found it to be one of M.Knights better films.

However I do think the treatment of certain things thus far has been more intersting to read about that how the movie presented it.
