
S.A.S Rei has finally been given a price and release window along with being open for pre-order! It's been a few days since his pre-order was opened but I'm never really on time with this shit am I?

The overview of him includes the standard hands the figure comes with along with effects and alt heads. I am honestly blown away by his face sculpt here, I have some JJBA S.A.S figures from when I was younger and I cherish them a LOT for them being my first grail-tier kind of anime merch. The joints on them are more my speed unlike revoltech, sorry Raoh-sama I really like ball-jointed hips. Seriously, the joint meeting the hips on my Movie Raoh drives me up the fucking wall it's why he's been box banished along with hating his stand. Not saying I hate him, just have strong gripes is all.

Ignoring the tangent there, I am overall in love with Rei's face sculpts, they are expected for this line of figures but this shit is CLEAN. Not every figure will be this clean but it will certainly be close. This being said, I am do you say? Worried about the span of how long these figures are taking? It's been nearly 2 years, god forbid 3 years, since Toki and Yuda have been announced and we've yet to see physical prototypes of them. Toki by no means is an unpopular charater though I'd say Yuda is niche...I'm the niche.

I've seen my fair share of S.A.S not talk to me about Drifters I will cry, so I am feeling nervous that they are hinging on Rei selling well to continue this series of figures. I'd really love to see a Yuria, Mamiya, and Amiba. I'm not giving up hope, these things take time, I think a Miku figure people thought was cancelled suddenly dropped out of nowhere. No hope is lost yet lads, just fears based upon the past with fixation merch suddenly not coming out.

Rei is up for pre-order on most Japan Hobby and Figure Hobby stores such as Tokyo Otaku Mode and Big Bad Toy Store! His price ranges from $80-$90+ USD...YEESH. I'll have to eye secondhand sales >.<


UWAAAAAAAAAAH NEW ANIME?!!?! On the 12th, It was announced that a new anime would be made being a reboot/remake of the orignal manga series!

Being honest I knew in my heart of hearts we'd be getting a new anime this year. The trend of old anime coming back be remade has been a recent -and very fucking welcome- trend in the industry recently. I am SO excited and happy that this series is getting the "brotherhood" treatment so to speak. I love the pacing scene manga and I don't have to deal with toei being. toei.

So far the only info we have is that Warner Bros. Jp will be handling production which makes me think that David Productions will be animating it. The poster only makes me think further as it matches some of the more colorful works they've handled. Side note; I am happy to see Undead Unluck get an anime! I read it early into its life.

As of right now we know literally nothing outside of it's happening! I assume we will get more news in the coming months and that it may begin airing in early-mid 2024. Not confirmed, just assumed. I am so excited to see the series as it should be!