Doctor Who is a series that I will not spend the time introducing. If you want that info dump go HERE for a friends gloss over.

My history of Doctor Who began literally after the parting of my parents, if you've read any of my shrines you'd be well familiar with that and sadly it's how I pinpoint things. Think of it as B.C. and A.D. but with more trauma and less death.

I've not watched the good old Doctor in about a decade give or take, last time I watched it was the christmas special about the War Doctor going into Capaldi's run. I've no strong feelings the series' around 12, 13, and 15. I just know that 13 suffered awful writing but Whittaker did her best.

Navigate to the menu to see my biases, fave episodes, or maybe pick up a collected goodie. Use the Control panel to go back!


New Who: S2: Ep2
Classic Who: S1: Ep1
Scream of the Shalka: Finished
Doctor Who the Movie: Not Watched
Specials: come back with a warrant